“This is a revolutionary and exciting book”

This is a revolutionary and exciting book. The author’s thesis is simple, but the details are very complex: namely that Hahnemann was right in the 6th edition of his Organon and in his Chronic Diseases.

We may all ‘know’ that this is true, but in fact we are following the ideas of the 4th edition of the Organon, and the interpretations of Kent and those who followed him. Stöteler strongly holds that we need to use the LM or Q potencies and the miasmatic remedies of the last edition.

The 4th edition of the Organon (1829) was translated in Dublin in 1833 and was republished in Pennsylvania in 1836. The influence of the 4th edition remains more powerful than the 5th and 6th to this day. The main body of the book takes us in great detail through these ideas and how to put them into practice. The book is full of direct quotations from Hahnemann, signified by icons depicting the old books, and a change of font. Then the author interprets and explains these quotations in modern terminology. He cites his own experiences and at the end describes some patient case histories.

There is great detail about the miasms. He divides up remedies by plant, mineral, anti-miasmatic and nosode and describes how to use more than one remedy in alternation.


There is great detail about the miasms. He divides up remedies by plant, mineral, antimiasmatic and nosode and describes how to use more than one remedy in alternation. His only other real hero was James Compton Burnett. He maintains that our idea of helping people is a mistake, Hahnemann concentrated on diseases as in the title of his masterwork Chronic Disease. When I was editor of The Homeopath I commissioned pharmacist John Morgan to write about the LM potencies, which have hardly been mentioned since then*. Helios had 8% of remedy sales as LM in
2019, (personal communication). There are few flaws. The book is beautifully designed and bound, the contents and index are very detailed so it is easy to navigate. There are excellent illustrations, mainly portraits of Hahnemann. But there is no bibliography, just a vague list of sources. There is no indication of which translations of Hahnemann Stöteler used – although I compared his quotations and it appears to be the classics: Dudgeon’s Organon and Tafel’s Chronic Diseases.

To sum up, the author makes an elegant and positive case for the LM potencies and Hahnemann’s approach to miasms.

NEWHOMEOPATH – Bookreview March 2020 (download)

Francis Treuherz FSHom has been in practice since 1984 and worked for the NHS from 1990- 2003. He is a Fellow of the Society, former editor and board member for 20+ years. He was a former trustee of the British Homeopathic Association and the Homeopathy Action Trust. He has taught many seminars, has written two books and is an incurable collector of homeopathy books and artefacts.