The 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon
The synthesis of Hahnemann’s thoughts, developments and experiences
become clear in Hahnemann’s Homeopathy by Ewald Stöteler
About Ewald Stöteler
A man who places his love for homeopathy, his practice and his patients above everything else, and who knows that this is his purpose in life. Ewald has mastered the art to apply his common knowledge, which is so important in a daily homeopathic practise, to homeopathic principles. His insights in physiological processes, his knowledge in the functioning of the human body, organs, organ systems, tissues and last but not least the processes of human consciousness, are unique.
A homeopath and philosopher through and through!
About Samuel Hahnemann Foundation
The Samuel Hahnemann Foundation aims to develop and promote homoeopathic treatment, according to the guidelines of Samuel Hahnemann, as written in the sixth edition of his Organon of medicine and in Chronic diseases. Homoeopathy has developed in stages during Hahnemann’s life. Some elements that are of great importance for the practical application of his medicine, therefore remained underexposed or fell into oblivion.
The differences between the ‘early’ and later homoeopathy in Hahnemann’s life became obvious in for example the miasma theory and in relation to that, the use of homoeopathic medicine potential. Elaborate studies showed that a lot of what Hahnemann wrote in hos standard works, is not being used in everyday homoeopathic practice. To make sure that Hahnemann’s impulses are being exposed in the homoeopathic field, the Hahnemann Homoeopathic Foundation was founded.
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The book Hahnemann’s Homeopathy
An unique book is born
Hahnemann’s Homeopathy: a true gift, written by a man who places his love for homeopathy, his practice and his patients above everything else, and who knows that this is his purpose in life. A gift, because the synthesis of Hahnemann’s thoughts, developments and experiences become clear in Hahnemann’s Homeopathy.
This book, fills a huge gap between the unique knowledge of Samuel Hahnemann and the understanding of it, in order to be able to implement homeopathy successfully in daily practice.
Homeopathy worldwide is based on the 4th edition of the Organon, introduced by Kent and therefore alienated from its roots. The 5th and especially the 6th edition are completely ignored by the rest of the world, as well as Hahnemann’s book The Chronic Diseases. Ewald Stöteler fills the gap between the two extremes: the 4th and the 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon and the Chronic Diseases. Hahnemann referred to this latest edition as “which, if possible, has become perfect”.
This book provides insight into
Ewald Stoteler interviewed by Vatsala Sperling
Ewald Stoteler is interviewed by Vatsala Sperling. He is author of Hahnemann’s Homeopathy, The Classification and Treatment of Disease According to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann Quite fortunately, I ran into the book “Hahnemann’s Homeopathy, [...]
Hahnemann’s Homeopathy reviewed by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD (
"It is the most essential book to read and use when studying the very basics of homeopathy, either as a fresh student or as an established senior professional practitioner." For those of [...] (Vatsala Sperling) über ‘Hahnemann’s Homeopathy’
"Dieses Buch ist lebendig und hat eine Schärfe, Logik, Anziehungskraft und Konzentration auf das Wesentliche, die aus einer" gelebten Erfahrung "resultiert." Als Ewald Stötelers Buch über Hahnemanns Homöopathie - die Klassifikation und [...]